Back to basics.

I’ve now spent few weeks getting my head around Data Driven Documents and it has proven yet again the importance of understanding the basics. Tools and libraries have always been...


There are really only two shapes around us, curves and angles. To us, curves are the shape of beauty and angles the shape of awe. Baula in Iceland’s west country...

Fool App.

Life is a game, but sadly not many play it This is one my favorite quotes, but unfortunately I can’t credit it despite extensive googling. It’s a simple, but multi...

Play Fool.

With its dark winter months and frequent what we call “boring weather” – the type of weather when you’re not bothered spending more time outside than you have to; Icelanders...

iTunes Connect stats.

My cReceiver and cWorkOrders have now been on offer for just over two months. Being my first venture into mobile apps, I’ve obviously been curious on the take-up. With no...

E1 Service.

Sharing the work. My e1-service library is now on NPM. Well, it’s actually been there the best part of this month but I’ve been tinkering with up till last week....


The more things change, the more they stay the same. With all the recent talk of AI on the cusp of world takeover, there is one area in particular where...

Now on App Store.

Apple does like to let you jump hoops – being iCool doesn’t come easy! But Celin’s two apps are now on the App Store. Receiver Work Orders

Now on Google Play.

I’m delighted to announce the first two Celin apps are now available on Google Play. Receiver Work Orders Apple’s App Store will follow soon.

A bit on app design.

I’ve lost count of software libraries, frameworks and methodologies I’ve come across over the years. None has left an individual imprint of note but all have contributed to a collective...

Receive some items.

Continuing on from Getting Started. Open Orders The main screen of the app displays open orders that were downloaded last time from P4312. It’s important to keep in mind that...

Getting started.

What are the E1 Requirements? The app needs the Application Interface Services (AIS) version or later. What mobile devices does it run on? The app is developed with Ioncic...

What's this Node.js and npm?

I’ve been using this heavily for the past few months and I got a vague idea about what they are. So I’ll better write a bit about this to see...

Run the Receiver.

The Receiver is in alpha test with two testing options. Requirements Application Interface Service (AIS) Server version or higher. Test on The quickest way to get started is...

Getting going.

My journey with mobile app development started with Oracle’s MAF with particular interest in EnterpriseOne integration. It was a good learning exercise but I was never quite comfortable with JDeveloper....

A journey of be-wilderness.

One of my favorite philosophical yarns down at the pub is the life as a train journey analogy. It’s probably an indication of the state my own journey that I...