A bit on app design.

I’ve lost count of software libraries, frameworks and methodologies I’ve come across over the years. None has left an individual imprint of note but all have contributed to a collective guidance.
I’ve always been of the view that the purpose of frameworks and methodologies is to help software development. This might sound like a »duhh..« comment, but the flip-side is control.
A perfect framework and methodology allows manager to resource coders instead of hiring developers.
Coders are a quiet commodity that can be locked in a room somewhere – ideally somewhere distant; while developers are untidy, opinionated and dissident. Not exactly ideal Citizens of a Corporation with Governance – which we all aspire to be.
When a framework starts to become like a Corporation and methodology its Governance, then the purpose is obviously not to help software development.

In my bewilderness journey I’ve looked at few frameworks for mobile apps. I started off with Oracle’s MAF but ended in Ionic 2. The difference was that Oracle MAF guides you in using Oracle MAF whereas Ionic gives you a starting kit and encourages you to have-a-go. So it was a no-brainer.


The About page is the go-to place to get an idea of the app design. About

Server, Storage and Activity

Some time back I came across a library called Redux.
Having experimented with workflows and state machines in the past, I decided to try it out.
The benefits of a state machines is that it concentrates the design on functionality – I know it sounds like another »duhh..« statement.
So how does this work in the Receiver.
Server, Storage and Activity
The app’s function is to:

Each function has its own state and properties and responds to a set of actions. The Server for example keeps track of User’s credentials and can request a new authorisation and execute E1 Form requests.
The Storage can store and retrieve current P4312 snap-shot and any receivals.
And the Activity keeps the ball rolling by responding to user’s inputs and request actions from the Server and Storage as needed.