Fool App.

Life is a game, but sadly not many play it

This is one my favorite quotes, but unfortunately I can’t credit it despite extensive googling.
It’s a simple, but multi dimensional quote. What you read into it depends a lot of your state of mind. When I’m in my cynical mood, which gets more frequent the older I get, my reading of this quote is the depressing thought about how many boring people are in the world. Not that I’m complaining because mooding about boring people is a privilege of the prosperous.


Nice view and a deck of card are a good antidote for boredom. The picture is of Snæfellsjökull (snow-peak-glacier), as seen from Reykjavik. The picture is impressive but in life you get the feeling that existence is not all it seems. No wonder that Jules Verne made this the entrance on his journey to the centre of the earth.

To complement this yarn about boring people and spiritual landscape, I can now announce that my cFool App is ready.

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