And then what?

An often discounted part of a software solution project is lessons-learned. Getting a new or upgraded solution into production can be an exhaustive task with little or no appetite for...

Item availability - part 5

Part five is now available on Github and forked on Stackblitz. This is the final part of the target I set myself a week ago, to build an item-availability web-app....

Item availability - part 4

Part four is now available on Github and forked on Stackblitz. Additions are, excluding tinkering with previous parts: ww-item-ledger. An An E1 request and response definition for ‘Work With Item...

Item availability - part 3

The item-availability project is now starting to take shape. As before it’s available on Github and forked on Stackblitz. In addition to few minor adjustments to what was created in...

Item availability - part 2

Part 2 of the item-availability project is now on Github and forked on Stackblitz. It contains: item-ss. An E1 request and response definition for ‘Item Search & Select’ form. store...

Item availability - part 1

Every construction needs foundation and plumbing. A starter project for Angular E1 web-app has been on my to-do-list for some time and it was a got fit to include it...

What's next?

Once one of my bread-and-butter-stint as JDE Developer is finished, it always takes a bit of head-wrenching to get back into web and mobile development. I have a stack of...

From Subject to Object

In my 30 odd years of programming I’ve crossed quite a few industries. From simple payroll, billing and GST-equivalent processing software to production control systems for abattoirs and meat processing...

A Year In

It’s now a year since went public, which makes it a good time time to reflect. But first, this anniversary brings two changes. New Look Website The website has...

Schedules & Architecture

I’ve now spent few weeks on E1’s Foundation Calendar module and Work Schedule resulting in cWorkSchedule and cEmployeeWorkSchedule with the objective of demonstrating how AIS backed web app can fill...

Who's Who

The most interesting visual feature of the Universe are our faces. Anything else of interest has a diminishing return. A landscape, artwork or architecture can provide initial awe but eventually...

Download Trend

It’s been 10 months now since the first Celin mobile app hit the store, and this weekend marks a milestone with downloads passing the 10K mark. I’m only talking about...

Dangerus fun

Once you get animated it’s hard to stop. I’ve been tinkering with transition in the Employee Profile Diagram and you get easily carried away. The diagram now rearranges itself when...

Down the rabbit hole again

I’ve only tiptoed around Mike Bostock’s gallery. It’s a lot to take in and uses programming logic that requires you to suspend everything you learned in order to grasp the...

Blast from the Past

A bit over-dramatic title, but I just couldn’t think about anything else. After nearly a year in JavaScript Wonderland I got pulled down to earth few months back. An opportunity...

Now on the Microsoft Store

Six months after the first Celin apps appeared on Google Play and Apple’s App Store, cHelloE1 is now available on Microsoft’s Store. Microsoft has had a rather chequered story with...

cWorkorders 2.0.

Hot on the heels of cReceiver 2.0, cWorkorders 2.0 is now available on the App Store and Google Play. Again this release is a re-write with lessons-learned, e1-service, Angular 4...

Cramped header

cReceiver 2.0 is now on the App Store, the notice from the good people at Apple actually caught me by surprise first thing this morning. A bit like when your...

cReceiver 2.0.

One benefit of visiting the rabbit hole is that once you get back into daylight, things can often become clearer. That’s my experience anyway – and of course it depends...

Down the rabbit hole.

A common programming challenge is to know when to stop. The biggest mistakes I’ve seen, and been guilty of myself, is trying to be too-smart. Or over-engineer something as it’s...