Item availability - part 1

Every construction needs foundation and plumbing. A starter project for Angular E1 web-app has been on my to-do-list for some time and it was a got fit to include it with the item-availability project.

You can find e1-ng-start on Github and build it on-line with Stackblitz (click on the ‘INSTALL PACKAGE @ngrx/store-devtools’ button to complete the install).

The e1-ng-start project is an Angular CLI project with the following add-ons:

The aisUrl is an environmental parameter in the src/environment files. By default angular-cli creates dev and prod environment files, which can be enhanced in angular-cli.jason to include a test environment.
Feel free to use with user demo and password testing, but I do tend to shut it down when I’m not using it so it’s not always available. Also keep in mind that https service doesn’t like to call http, so using http url in Stackblitz will error for example (this catches me every now and then).

The item-availability project is created by cloning e1-ng-start and then change the remote repository.

$ git clone item-availability
$ cd item-availability
$ git remote remove origin
$ git remote add origin

So item-availability is now on Github with part 1 fork on Stackblitz.
Since this is only a clone of e1-ng-start it doesn’t do much more than prompt for authentication and provide a ‘Sign Out’ button on the task-bar. But it has everything we need to start building our form-requests.