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Once one of my bread-and-butter-stint as JDE Developer is finished, it always takes a bit of head-wrenching to get back into web and mobile development. I have a stack of pending jobs, none which is of monetary significance which makes them tricky to prioritise.

After some thinking I’ve decided on a new tutorial. In the next week or so, I’m going to write a new web-app from scratch and blog its tutorial-like progress.

The objective is to demonstrate how to materialise an app-idea.

I’m using the Roadmap I defined few months back.
It has four phases with the first three building up to the specification:


Experience has taught me the importance of specification’s brevity. Unfortunately volume is often mistaken for quality, leading to embellished spec-writing where the subject gets lost in the noise or even left out. It doesn’t help when specification templates are adorned with pages of logos, slogans and various quality assurance must-fill-in sections. A four page template implies that the subject must be at least that many pages – preferably more. The subject gets drowned out by the object.

So here is my specification.

E1 Business Process

For business process I’m picking Item Availability (P41202).


The app will have three forms with the following flow.

Item Availability


The form used for integration are: