Blazor Homepage

Client side Blazor is not targeted for release until early next year. But my instinct about this technology encouraged me to used it for Celin’s homepage upgrade. One of my...

Data Browser Preview

A preview of a Blazor version of the Data Browser is now live, with the source on Github. This preview is a fully functional AIS Data Browser with the aim...

Blazor Server Released

Net Core 3 released on the 23rd of last month supports Blazor Server. In other words, Blazor Server is ready for production. I don’t think that I’m being too dramatic...

Failure so far

I recently got an invitation to participate in a Career Advice platform on LinkedIn. Initially I ignored it without a second thought. Even though I’ve spent a bulk of my...

Dodgy Developers

The term Dodgy Developer has been thrown around quite a lot over the years. I think it describes quite well the relationship between developers and other professionals working on a...

State Based E1 Page

One challenge of Browser App development is state management. A drill-down functionality is a good example where this is crucial. Without state management it’s one-way – you can’t go back...

Open Purchase Orders

You get easily overwhelmed on a visit to Mike Bostok’s gallery. Visualisation is after all programmers most powerful shock-and-awe toolkit, and Bostok’s d3 has it in abundance! After a bit...

Knockout E1 Page

With yet another year about to go down in history, the moment for reflection and prognosis is upon us. The passage between year-ends gets shorter with age, causing reflections and...

Reactive or Proactive

On the surface it looks like everything that happens is a reaction of something else that happened. This is the old mechanical view of the world that gave use the...


The Initial Release of aisShell can now be downloaded from Github. It can be used to test Form Requests, Stack Form Applications and Data Service Requests. The pace of AIS...

AIS Stack

An AIS Form Service Request is a contained and final process. The form’s initialise events are executed followed by Form Actions and finally close events. The benefit is a simple...

AIS Shell

One of the challenges of AIS development is evaluating the response. A form request requires accurate parameter settings and deciphering the returning payload is not straight forward. Designing a form...

Now on NuGet

Recently I got a query about .Net AIS solution. In the past I’ve thought quite a bit about where .Net fits into AIS front-end solutions and distilled my answer down...

Let's dictate

In my favorite movie, Bladerunner, there is a scene where Deckard is enhancing a photograph he found in Leon’s room. Unlike most sci-fi movies he doesn’t talk to an all-knowing...

PWA Receiver

It’s just over a year now since cReceiver was published on the App Store and Google Play. And a year is a long time in the JavaScript universe. Version 6...

Work Order Attachment Viewer

From idea to action! This might sound familiar to anyone who’s been around E1/JDE for a while. And if you’ve pondered why the development client’s desktop icon is a light-bulb,...

Just Use Linux Stupid - JULS!

I’m very much a product of the eighties PC revolution. The introduction of the IBM PC was pivotal in the career I ended up in, as well as my first...

WTF is SaaS!

The most annoying part of working in IT is, in politest of terms, the creativity of the marketing people. Perfectly transparent terms like ‘virtual machine’ for example must be re-invented...

The Power of Frameworks

With Item Availability now a PWA, the next step is to make the data persistent. One of the benefits of using frameworks like Angular is the availability of solutions for...

Progressive Web Apps

It’s almost two years since I made the leap into mobile app development. Or so I thought at the time. My sense at the time was that with AIS, Oracle...