Now on NuGet

Recently I got a query about .Net AIS solution. In the past I’ve thought quite a bit about where .Net fits into AIS front-end solutions and distilled my answer down to three areas.

I’ve intentionally left out where .Net is a strategic decision because then it’s not a choice any more. It’s quite reasonable to select Xamarin as the mobile development tool because of an existing .Net knowledge base for example. It might be seen as less risky than embarking on the learning curve of any of the browser based technologies, but the flip side is the risk carried by fixed focus on technology. The technology should serve the solution – not the other way around.


The Celin.AIS Library is available on Github and as a NuGet package with the target framework of .Net Standard 2.0.

It’s easy to get your head in a spin trying to understand all the .Net flavors, so I’ve settled on the definition that:

.NET Standard 2.0 will be implemented by .NET Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin.

Or in other words, a .Net Standard 2.0 Library is compatible with .Net Framework, .Net Core and Xamarin applications.

Xamarin, as mentioned before is for mobile development and .Net Framework is the original desktop library. The latest .Net flavor on the scene, .Net Core is open source and available on Windows, MacOS and Linux. Yet another sign of the march of open source software. The Linux compatibility also opens up the IoT field.

I took the picture with this post north of Vatnajokull in Iceland. It’s not related to the subject of the post. Just those mesmerising shades of gray that I wanted to share. Or maybe there is something in my subconscious mind trying to emphasize the beauty of simplicity.