iTunes Connect stats.

My cReceiver and cWorkOrders have now been on offer for just over two months.
Being my first venture into mobile apps, I’ve obviously been curious on the take-up. With no target group in mind and not much to work with except conversation with colleagues, I didn’t have any expectation – which is very good mindset in some cases.

The Apple iTunes Connect as they call it, gives you a handy graph on the statistic, and this is how the latest looks for cWorkOrders:

And the latest for cReceiver:

By far the the biggest take-up has been in China, followed by the US and then Japan and Thailand.
Quite a surprise! I haven’t received any feedback which suggest to me that neither app is in any use to talk about. The download is more of a curiosity than anything else. But at least I can count the downloads in hundreds, which is a nice milestone from my point of view.

There is another screaming curiosity in this graph, and that is how come there is no measured download in Australia?
I’m careful not to read too much into this, but I can’t ignore the fact that there is no measured interest in either Australia or New Zealand.

Maybe everyone is just too busy in the cloud.