Now on the Microsoft Store

Six months after the first Celin apps appeared on Google Play and Apple’s App Store, cHelloE1 is now available on Microsoft’s Store.

Microsoft has had a rather chequered story with mobile devices. A bit like its sometimes rather puzzling history of the Windows operating system.
I came across Windows 8.0 recently for the first time and thought there was something wrong with the security because I couldn’t find the start button! How on earth did they get to the conclusion that removing the start button was a natural progression of the operation system.
And then were the disastrous releases before that like the Millennium and Vista.

I think Microsoft has got it right on four occasions, Window 3.1 in 1993, Windows XP in 2001, Windows 7 in 2009 and Windows 10 in 2015. That’s actually pretty consistent, a decent upgrade every 6 - 8 years.
The problem however for Microsoft is that this is not good enough to keep up with mobile devices. Apple’s iPhone 1 came out in 2007 and iPhone 8 is schedule for later this year with the operating system going through 10 major releases, from iPhone OS 1 to iOS 10.
Microsoft ventured into this space with its rather disappointing Windows Phone 7, 8 and 8.1. But now all roads lead to Windows 10 and its mobile version should be out there somewhere.

So where does Windows then stand in the mobile revolution?
Mobile devices are more than smartphones and tablets, and Microsoft has established itself with the Surface as a mobile workstation. That at least keeps it in the game for now.
