cWorkorders 2.0.

Hot on the heels of cReceiver 2.0, cWorkorders 2.0 is now available on the App Store and Google Play.

Again this release is a re-write with lessons-learned, e1-service, Angular 4 (4.0.2), Ionic 3 (3.5.0) and demo database.

The build of an E1 Celin app is now starting to take definitive shape, which was the objective with cReceiver and cWorkorders.



E1 Business Process

The purpose of an E1 mobile app is to execute an existing business process in E1. So the starting point is a definition of that process in terms of forms and controls.

It’s useful to keep in mind that the app isn’t going to do anything that can’t be done in E1. Think of it as a:

“boiled down E1 interface for a specific purpose”

For example, cReceiver can be thought of as a subset of W4312F and W4312A for the purpose of receipting open order quantities.


An app can be broken down into three components.


Communications between the app and E1 is two ways.


The flow and integration components are finally assembled into a mobile app.